Monday, April 27, 2015

Having someone there during hard times.

Hello everyone, its been a while since I posted. I just wanted to share with you what happened to me this past weekend on Saturday.

So this Saturday. My family and I went to my uncle Joseph's funeral. This was a hard time for not only my family, but me too. I can't explain enough how thankful I am to have had the love of my life there. With him being there, I felt at ease and not as sad. It is really important to be with someone that makes you feel safe and at ease, and that also takes the pain away.

After the funeral, we went to the repast, and it was fulfilling to see my love meet majority of all my family. Considering the circumstances, I was happy he got to meet them.

So all I want to say is, if you have someone who is there for you during hard times, and turmoil. Someone who makes you happy even when you thought everything was finished. Cherish and love that person as much as they love you, because I guarantee that finding another will be finding a needle in a haystack.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Being In Love with your bestfriend

Good evening everyone. I know its been a couple of days since I posted, but I just wanted to write something that I feel everyday.

Being in love with your best friend is the most profound good feeling ever. My boyfriend/future husband is my best friend. I can tell him anything, and he listens and is there for me. Being in love, and loving him is the most joyous feeling, because I know he feels the same for me. There's not a minute or a day that goes by, when he or I doesn't tell or show each other we care. The thing about being in love with your best friend, is that they always can tell when something is wrong, or when something is off. They know what to do to make you smile and laugh. I love having a man that I can trust, love, call mine, and my best friend. You must become best friends before you can start a relationship.

Thanks everyone for reading, I hope you continue and enjoy. XOXO

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Having a man who fears God

Happy Easter everyone.
Its great to have a man that believes in God and fears him. If you have a man who fears God, and believes in the many blessings he gives us, that is a man who we as women need to cherish. Because a man like that will love you as much as he loves himself and GodRelationships that is based around God, is a relationship that will last.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Photos of me and my love.

Hello everyone, here are some pic of me and my boyfriend/future husband Michael. If you would like some videos or more pics, please comment bellow.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Foundations to a strong and lasting relationship

Good afternoon everyone, it is a beautiful, yet chilly day here in Chicago, and also a good time to write down a thought or some advice of mine.
The key to having a long lasting relationship whether you're in an interracial relationship or not is TRUST and COMMUNICATION. Having these two important things in a relationship can make or break it. With trust in a relationship, you have to be able to trust one another with certain things. Like for example, if your gf/bf want to go out with their friends, then you have to trust them that they will not do anything. With that being said, the trust has to earned and proved in the relationship on both sides. If you two as a couple can accomplish that then there should be nothing to worry about. Myself for instance trust my boyfriend very much. We are very honest with each other and tell each other everything. If he doesn't like something that I may want to do, or if I don't like something he may want to do, we work it out and try to compromise the situation. I see so many young couples get torn apart because they don't have trust for one another, or they let other people tell them what their girlfriend or boyfriend is doing. That is another issue. Too many couple let people outside of the relationship get into their business. My boyfriend and I strictly do not let anyone interfere with out love. Because when that happens, people start to think that they can tell you how your relationship should go. Your relationship should only be between two people. That is YOU, and your significant other.

The next BIG important thing that is very much needed and should always be carried out through a relationship is communication. I can not express enough how important communication is in a relationship. Communication is the base for everything you do in your relationship. Knowing how to communicate with each other is very important. With this skill you both learn how to read each other, and know when there is something wrong. Also it is very helpful to guys, because sometimes as women we think our guys should automatically know what is wrong with us, when they don't. They need to be told what is going on, and what is happening. My boyfriend Mike and I sometimes have a hard time communicating with each other, because we both are so stubborn. But at the end of the day we end up coming together and talking it out. That is what it's all about, being able to come together and resolve your issues. I'm not saying this will be easy, but overtime you all will get it, and have a better understanding for each other.

Thanks to all who read my post, I really appreciate it, and I hope you continue to ready and enjoy. XOXO

Friday, March 27, 2015

Saying the words "I love you"

Saying the words I love you to your significant other, really means the world to them. Not only saying the words, but actually showing them can really make the whole relationship better.

There's too many people in this world that thinks that love is overrated. Me, personally think that love is what you are inside and is also what you make it. Everyone shows love in different ways. Love to me, must be the most profound and hardest emotion. There are people who say the words I love you, and don't actually mean it or know the meaning behind loving someone.

You must love your significant other as much as you love yourself or more. This let's them know every single day that you care and will always be there for them. Just don't throw around the word love because they say it to you. Say it back and mean it, cause only true love comes around every blue moon.

Thanks everyone for reading my posts. I hope you enjoy, and continue to read them. XOXO

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New Friends for a better Relationship

My boyfriend and I encountered a problem with a friend of his, who to us, was trying to cause problems within our relationship, and we had to disconnect ourselves from that person. What I am trying to say is, that if you are in a very committed relationship and each of you are really serious about each other, and love each other, and trust one another, then you should not let anything or anyone interfere with your happiness. This means if you need to not be friends with some people, or disconnect from some family members, then so be it. If they are making it a habit to be negative or are trying to tear apart your relationship, then it is time to find some new people. Negativity is the last thing a great couple needs in their happy lives. When negativity starts getting into the relationship, then that is when rumors and lies start forming. The goal for the "haters" is to break up your happiness, because they're not happy in their relationship or because they're jealous. New friends, and new surroundings is needed when this happens.

Thanks to everyone who reads all my posts, I really appreciate it, and I hope you continue to read. I hope you all enjoy.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Dating a Latino man

Hello everyone, happy Monday to you all. It is a snowy day here in Chicago. I hope wherever you are its warm and sunny.
My thoughts on dating a Latino man is not really any much different than other men I've dated, except language barrier and food. Dating a man that's a different race than myself is really fun. I get to learn about his culture,as he also gets to learn about mine. I get to learn a different language also.
I think the best thing about being with a Latino man is, for me personally I find them really loving and caring, hardworking, loves to dance and have a good time. I also love how our families are not that much different. We can relate in so many ways. Yes everyone will have their opinions about dating a different race, but this is mine.
Thanks to all who read. I hope you enjoy my blog and continue to read. XOXO

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Quote for the morning

“Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows me to survive, and better than that, to thrive with passion, compassion, and style.”

Maya Angelou

I really admire and love this quote, because it really speaks truth. I believe that no one on this earth can survive without love. Love is that profound emotional feeling that we all have and need. It allows us as human beings to function. Everything we do should be done with love, because love is the most ultimate feeling anyone could have. Love is like music. It is a universal language. Also don't forget, that God made all of us in his image, and GOD IS LOVE.

Thanks to everyone who reads, I hope you enjoy, and have a great rest of the morning. XOXO! 😘

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Diamond in the dirt

Good morning all blog readers out there in the world. I just woke up not too long ago, and I had a thought in my mind since my boyfriend is not here. He messaged me a really, really sweet message this morning and it just made me think of, how lucky I am to have someone like him that cares, is always thinking about me, and also me him. You know, he's really the sweetest person in the world that I know, and he cares for others more than himself. I can honestly see myself marrying this man in the near future, and bearing his/our children. It is a wonderful blessing, when God has given you someone to build you up everyday and encourages you to become better. Someone who calls you beautiful every chance he gets, just because that's how he feels. Ladies if you have a man like that, cherish him, because I guarantee, he's a diamond that is so hard to find again. I found mine, I hope you have found, or is waiting for yours.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Being in an Interracial Relationship

Being in an interracial relationship for me personally is great because I get to explore and find out new thing that I never knew about. My boyfriend Mike and I have been together almost a year now, and everyday we learn something new about each other. There is a lot of great things about being in an interracial relationship, and then there is the not so great things. When Michael and I first started dating, I could sense within my family that certain people were jealous or they gave me looks of uncertainty. This made me feel really sad, and disappointed because, I thought of how my mom felt when she married my dad who is white. I thought of how closed minded people can be, even your own family members. Even with random people we pass by on the street, they also look at us confused or with the expression of "why are they together"? It really becomes tiresome and irritating. What I find out is, that mostly older people will have these expressions and reactions. In my head, I'm thinking this is 2015 why is there even a hint of racism and prejudice in the world, and then I remember it's not the world it's the people who live in the world, the ones who are still stuck in the past, either it's black or white, no grey area.

Through all the hate, and disapproval I do not let interfere with who I am in love with and will marry in the future. If I worried about what other think and do, I would be in the nut house. So I say love who you love, and to hell with the ones who don't like it, because at the end of the day, your happiness is all that matter, and shouldn't let anyone stop you from that.

A Little Bit About Myself

Hello readers and fellow bloggers, My name is Barbara Joy. I am a 20 year old young woman who lives in Chicago, Illinois. I am also in a beautiful interracial relationship with the man of my dreams and the love of my life. His name is Michael, and he's everything I've ever wanted. He also blogs, he's a poet. His blog is, go check it out and show him some love. My boyfriend and I are also aspiring YouTuber's, our channel is Go check it out and show us some love. Want to know anything else about me please comment, also comment want you would like for me to talk about besides the topics I chose already. Thanks for reading!!!!

Description of blog

This blog that I will be updating and posting on will consist of my thoughts and opinions on love, romance, society, interracial dating and etc. Also I will be writing about personal experiences of my own, and I will be putting friends and family member thoughts on my blog as well. So stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy. Thank You!